2006年12月3日 星期日


  • 數學科教師
  • 土風舞社長工
  • 我的部落格在這裡,請進!
  • 舞起來吧!朋友們,跳得好與不好並不重要,重要的是從您指間、身旁滑過的音符,撫慰著您疲憊的身心時,那份令人愉悅的舒暢感!

2 則留言:

raymond 提到...

I am strange without the new video for a long time. Are 綸哥,桂津,慧君,驥韡 busy? I hope watching the new video in near future.

Best Rgds,

Unknown 提到...

Hi, Raymond

We are kind of "retired", but if you are still interested in our videos, you can go to our newest(ok, it's kind of old already) website, and see if there's something new for you, :).

Best Regards,